How to Support Employees Physical, Mental and Emotional Well-Being in the Workplace - The Evolved HR!

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How to Support Employees Physical, Mental and Emotional Well-Being in the Workplace

Since there has been an outbreak of coronavirus, racial and social justice movements, and significant workplace transformation, it is increasingly essential that employees' well-being be supported on all fronts - physical, mental, emotional and environmental.

Photo by Madison Inouye:

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Managers play an invaluable role in supporting their teams during times of uncertainty. Displaying vulnerability when discussing stressors can encourage destigmatization and foster bonding between managers and team members.

Stress Management

Stress in the workplace is a serious threat to employee health and should be taken seriously by managers and employers alike. Harsh environments and lack of support contribute significantly, compounding stress further. Not having access to resources compounds this further. Managers play an integral role in supporting employee well-being by being aware of problems as they arise, being supportive when possible and offering resources whenever available.

Establishing an environment where employees feel free to voice their concerns without fear of reprisal is key to mitigating workplace stress. This can be accomplished through regular check-ins between managers and employees as well as anonymous feedback mechanisms. Managers can further support employee well-being by offering tools like time management seminars or e-learning modules designed specifically to manage stress levels.

Encourage your employees to take regular breaks from their computers. This could involve walking during lunch, holding meetings outdoors or introducing yoga into the workplace. Just getting out and moving your body releases mood-elevating endorphins that can help clear and focus the mind.

Offering flexible scheduling can help employees balance work with family commitments more easily, giving them time to be at home for family dinner or caring for sick loved ones if necessary, which in turn improves productivity and can increase employee happiness.


Exercise can benefit both body and mind. Regular physical activity has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression and stress while keeping cognitive abilities and memory sharper.

Implementing employee incentives that encourage physical activity is one way of supporting their wellbeing, such as discounted gym memberships, wearable fitness trackers and financial rewards for reaching fitness goals. Organising workplace group activities - yoga in the morning, walks around local areas during lunch time or team challenges like stepper challenges are examples - is another effective strategy that not only allows employees to exercise but also fosters stronger working relationships and creates supportive social networks.

Burnout is a common issue among employees and often caused by an overwhelming workload. Exercise can improve mental health by decreasing cortisol levels and releasing endorphins; furthermore it helps people focus and think clearly when under stress.

Employees who engage in physical activities typically have stronger immune systems, making them less prone to the Covid-19 virus and more resistant against other workplace illnesses. Furthermore, active employees are likely to take less sick days or make medical appointments resulting in cost savings for employers.


Employees who don't get enough rest may struggle with concentration and focus. Encourage your employees to prioritize sleep by offering flexible working hours, creating comfortable office furniture with ergonomic desks, encouraging physical breaks such as taking a stroll outdoors or eating healthy snacks during breaks, as well as offering tools such as blue-light blocking glasses or screensavers for better restful restful sleep.

Provide opportunities for people to connect and socialize at work is key for their overall well-being in the workplace. Before meetings, during breaks or volunteer events are all great times to do this - encourage managers to spend time getting to know their direct reports and team members while simultaneously destigmatizing stress-inducing topics by inviting their teammates to talk openly about themselves, which helps foster trust between colleagues.

World events are shifting quickly, forcing employees to adapt. Employees face new realities every day - whether that means dealing with family health issues, aging parents, relationship dramas or financial worries that could be negatively impacting performance and wellbeing. Showing you care for the wellbeing of your employees by listening and taking their feedback seriously can go a long way toward employee satisfaction and retention.

Mental Health

If your team members are exhausted and stressed, they're less likely to deliver their best efforts at work. Implement a wellbeing-friendly culture early to avoid burnout and absenteeism and it will pay dividends later.

Make sure that employees can access mental health resources, like counseling services, through their healthcare plans. Host seminars and workshops on self-care techniques that help refocus energy and focus, including seminars on meditation, breathing exercises and yoga as stress relief techniques. Also set aside quiet spaces for relaxing activities like meditation, breathing exercises and yoga practice.

As part of your wellness initiatives, offer financial planning assistance (since financial stress can negatively impact mental health), discount programs for stress-relieving massages and acupuncture sessions, re-usable water bottles and discount programs for stress reduction massages/acupuncture/massage and more flexible hours/working from home arrangements or referral to EAP programs as perks to your employees. Finally, train managers on how to identify signs of depression and anxiety among team members so they can offer appropriate actions such as scheduling mental health days/working from home/ more flexible hours/ referral to EAP etc.

Finally, incorporate mental health initiatives in your organization's communications, such as its website and monthly newsletters. Reduce stigma by emphasizing the advantages of mental health support such as being confidential and free. Furthermore, stress workplace flexibility by frequently reminding employees that they can use PTO for extended leave when needed.

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